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Egzamin gimnazjalny 2018. Język angielski - sprawdź, czy zdasz. Rozwiąż test!

Egzamin gimnazjalny 2018 z języków obcych odbędzie się 20 kwietnia. Tego dnia uczniowie sprawdzą swoją znajomość języka angielskiego. Na egzaminie gimnazjaliści mogą wybrać jeden z sześciu języków obcych: angielskiego, niemieckiego, rosyjskiego, hiszpańskiego, francuskiego i włoskiego.

By sprawdzić, czy są dobrze przygotowani do egzaminu mogą rozwiązać przykładowy test, w którym znalazły się zadania, podobne do tych, które będą na egzaminie.


Tekst 1.
Man: Look, Mary! Isn’t it that famous actor we saw in the film last night?
Woman: The man with sunglasses?
Man: That’s his bodyguard! The actor has a beard and a moustache. Can’t you see?
Woman: Oh, yes! I like his long hair!

Tekst 2.
Woman: Maggie, this is Christine. Why are you never at home? I hate speaking to this machine. I'm calling to see if you’re free on Friday night. I’ve got two tickets for “The Adventures in Cape City”, you know, that American movie. My sister’s going to a concert
and Michael says he prefers the theatre. So I was wondering if you’d like to go with me. Call me back.

Tekst 3.
Woman: Have you been to that new pizzeria, Mike?
Man: No, I haven’t. Why?
Woman: I was there yesterday and it’s a really nice place.
Man: Is the pizza good?
Woman: I didn’t have pizza, actually. They have lots of other dishes on the menu.
Man: Don’t tell me that you had a hamburger in an Italian restaurant!
Woman: No. I had spaghetti.
Man: Was it good?
Woman: Yes, but next time I’ll try a vegetarian pizza.

Tekst 4.
Man: Did you go shopping yesterday?
Woman: Yes, I did. I bought some CDs and an audiobook. I was so tired when I came back home that I went straight to bed. I didn’t even do the book report for today.
Man: I didn’t do it, either. I went to the swimming pool in the evening.
Woman: Look! Mrs Brown’s coming. Let’s go to the classroom.
Man: I hope there won’t be time to read the reports.
Woman: Shhh… Maybe she forgot about them.
Tekst 5.
Man: A 13-year-old girl from Texas, Maggie Wilson, is the winner of a new competition for high school students. In the competition Maggie didn’t write an excellent essay or a long poem; she was the quickest at sending text messages. Maggie was better than 200 other students who took part in the US Texting Competition organised last Saturday in New York.

Zadanie 1.

Man: Hi, Kelly! What’s up?
Woman: Hello, Nick. Nothing much.
Man: Listen, Kelly, would you like to go out on Monday?
Woman: Oh, sorry. I can’t. I’m looking after my neighbours’ son then. They are going to a jazz concert and I’ve promised to help them.
Man: Oh, I see… How about Tuesday?
Woman: Sorry, I can’t go then, either. You see, I have to collect my sister after her singing lesson and in the evening I have a dance class in the club.
Man: I won’t ask about Thursday. I remember you have painting lessons then.
Woman: No, actually, I don’t. Now the painting course is on Wednesdays and we have lessons in the art gallery or, if the weather’s fine, we paint in the open air.
Man: Great! So you’re free on Thursday evening. But, wait...Have you finished your science project? You have to do it by Friday.
Woman: The project? Oh, no! I completely forgot about it. I’ll have to spend the whole evening doing it.
Man: Don’t worry. We’ll meet at 5 on Thursday and I’ll help you with your project. How’s that?
Woman: Oh, that would be great! Thanks.

Zadanie 2.

Woman: Attention all 3rd grade students! I have very important news! For the first time in our school’s history, we will have a student band at our school party. The band will play for about one hour and then we’re going to have the usual DJ music for the rest of the dance. One ticket costs £5. If you bring your friends from other schools, they pay the same price. The tickets can be bought at the door to the school canteen half an hour before the party. Don’t miss the chance to see your friends playing musical instruments. See you on the dance floor on Friday!

Zadanie 3.
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie komunikat. Zdecyduj, które ze zdań 3.1.–3.3. są zgodne z treścią nagrania (P – Prawda), a które nie (F – Fałsz). Zakreśl literę P albo F.
3.1. There will be live music at the school party. P/F
3.2. Students from the speaker’s school will pay less for the tickets. P/F
3.3. The speaker asks for help with the preparations for the party. P/F

Wypowiedź 1.What’s the matter with Emily?
Wypowiedź 2.Where did you find the tickets?
Wypowiedź 3.Why did you come to work by car today?
Wypowiedź 4.Who asked the question?

Zadanie 4.
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi (4.1.–4.4.). Do każdej z nich dobierz właściwą reakcję (A–E). Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli.
Uwaga! Jedna reakcja została podana dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.
A. Go back to page three.
B. The man at the back.
C. To get back home quickly.
D. Her back hurts.
E. They were in my back pocket.


Zadanie 5.
Uzupełnij poniższe minidialogi (5.1.–5.3.), wybierając spośród podanych odpowiedzi brakującą wypowiedź jednej z osób. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

5.1. X: Can I speak to Amanda?
Y: _________________________
A. Yes, I was wrong.
B. I’m afraid you’re wrong.
C. You’ve got the wrong number.

5.2. X: _________________________
Y: Very rarely.
A. How far is your school from your home?
B. How long does it take you to get to school?
C. How often do you go to school by bus?

5.3. X: Do you think I can use your textbook for a while?
Y: _________________________
X: Thanks.
A. Sure, go ahead.
B. Yes, of course, I can.
C. No problem, how much?

Zadanie 6.
Dla każdej z opisanych sytuacji (6.1.–6.3.) wybierz właściwą reakcję. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

6.1. Jak poprosisz o przeliterowanie nieznanego Ci angielskiego słowa?
A. Could you spell it?
B. What does it mean?
C. Can you repeat it?

6.2. Kolega życzy Ci udanych wakacji. Co odpowiesz?
A. You’re welcome.
B. Same to you.
C. Glad you like it.

6.3. Co powiesz, żeby ostrzec kolegę przed nadjeżdżającym samochodem?
A. Come again!
B. Turn it down!
C. Watch out!

Zadanie 7.

Zadanie 8.

Zadanie 9.

Zadanie 10.
Przeczytaj tekst. Spośród wyrazów podanych w ramce wybierz te, które poprawnie uzupełniają luki 10.1.–10.3. Wpisz odpowiednią literę (A–F) obok numeru każdej luki. Uwaga! Trzy wyrazy zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej luki.

A. time
B. unhappy
C. answered
D. excited
E. talked
F. hours

We were really thrilled when Aunt Lucy invited us to stay at her place during the holidays. We were so 10.1. ____ because we love skiing in the mountains. Soon we packed our suitcases, bought the tickets and got on the train. After twelve long 10.2. ____ we were in front of her house. Unfortunately, when we rang the bell, nobody opened the door. We called our aunt to find out where she was. When she 10.3. ____ her mobile phone, she told us that she was in Greece! Then she explained that the invitation was for the summer, not winter holidays!

Zadanie 11.

Zadania pochodzą z informatorów CKE



Egzamin gimnazjalny 2018 - Harmonogram:

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