Nasza Loteria SR - pasek na kartach artykułów

Próbna matura 2013: język angielski (rozszerzenie) tekst do zadania 1

Tekst do zadania 1 w teście diagnostycznym z języka angielskiego (poziom rozszerzony)


Since the establishment of universal and compulsory education, a major problem has been the truancy of minors.
The student’s 1.1. ........................ (FAIL) to attend school has significant disadvantages not just for the particular person involved, but also for society at large.
The long-term effect of truancy is an increase in poverty and a decrease in the likelihood of economic and social success.
Playing truant is often seen as 1.2. ...................... (HARM). Without suffering any serious consequences some pupils have at one time or another given in to this temptation, for example, on a beautiful day.
However, habitual truants who continue to 1.3. ............................ (DRAW) from education in this way are linked with a whole set of other problems: crime, early pregnancy and unemployment, to name a few. It is not an easy problem to solve, because the reasons pupils play truant are complex.
The causes may be 1.4. ..................... (BROAD) classified as: individual, family and school.
Other causes that can further compound the problem include environmental factors, such as the socioeconomic background of the student and peer 1.5. ................. (PRESS). Because there is no one cause, an effective approach must also be multifaceted.

adapted from

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