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Życzenia wielkanocne po angielsku oraz obrazki. Życzenia na Wielkanoc w języku angielskim

Życzenia wielkanocne po angielsku - obrazki
Życzenia wielkanocne po angielsku - obrazki
Już czas wybrać życzenia wielkanocne. Zobacz życzenia i obrazki po angielsku na Wielkanoc. Wybierz coś z naszych propozycji i wyślij!

Życzenia na Wielkanoc: Życzenia wielkanocne po angielsku

Easter bring Fun,
Easter bring Happiness,
Easter bring God Endless Blessings,
Easter bring fresh love...
Happy Easter to You with all best wishes

ZOBACZ: Życzenia na Wielkanoc: Religijne życzenia wielkanocne

As spring comes to the world,
bringing sunshine and gladness...
...this comes to you
bringing wishes for joy.
Happy Easter


May God’s love and power,
Fill your heart with joy
Today and forever
Happy Easter

Polecamy: Życzenia wielkanocne, obrazki, wierszyki na 2015 rok

The spirit of easter
Is all about Hope,
Love and joyful living
Happy Easter!


Wishing you a very Happy Easter
that is filled with plenty of love and happiness!

Na następnej stronie: Kolejne życzenia wielkanocne po angielsku!
May you find the renewal of hope,
health, love and the spirit of God.
Happy Easter to you and your lovely family.


Happy Easter!
I hope some time out for rest and relaxation
with your loved ones
puts a spring in your step
and gives you a chance to celebrate life and all its blessings.


May your Easter be filled with lots of Easter eggs,
presents from the Easter bunny,
blessings from Jesus Christ
and most of all happiness that lasts for a life time.
I’m sending lots of love on your way.
Happy Easter to you.


Easter is a time of reflection and joy
as it symbolizes the renewal of life.
May you feel it in your heart!


Wishing you a Happy Easter
that is just as bright and joyful
as the sprint time air around you.

Na następnej stronie: Kolejne życzenia wielkanocne po angielsku!
May Lord bless you on this auspicious day of Easter,
and May it be a new beginning of greater prosperity,
success and happiness.
Wish you a Happy Easter!


You're a springtime kind of person,
and there's sunshine in your smile.
There's warmth in all the gladness you impart.
And here's the special reason
you're so like this lovely season!
It's the springtime that you keep within your heart.
Happy Easter Happy Spring!


I just wanted to make sure
I was the first person to wish you a very pleasurable,
bright and cheery, plentiful, entertaining, and peaceful Easter holiday!
I hope you have a very Happy Easter!


It´s fun time!
It´s Easter time!
Spring up with lots of fun and cheer with all your cute.
Enjoy the day with colored eggs, egg-hunts, bunnies
and express a cute wish to all your near and dear.

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