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Poznań: Concerts, exhibitions and shows. Introducing offers for everyone

Elżbieta Podolska, Jack Sobczyński, translated by: Arkadiusz Stasiak
Die Antwoord (the answer) are the biggest music stars that will appear in Strefa Kibica (Fan Zone) on Plac Wolności (Liberty Square) during Euro 2012 in Poznań. They are controversial and colorful, and their song Enter The Ninja is one of the most successful Internet hit songs of the last few years.

Their music: a combination of rap, electro and African music (that is where artists are from), will surely satisfy fans who will attend their concert. Die Antwoord are performing in Poznań on June 29. An eighties pop group Alphaville, known for such oldies as “Forever young" and “Big in Japan", will also be present. They are playing in Strefa Kibica on June 29. Six days earlier, June 23, on Plac Wolności hits from bands Genesis and Stiltskin will be performed by their former lead singer Ray Wilson. He is a British music star who has lived in Poznań for 6 years. The music stage in Strefa Kibica will also host performers from Poland. Rock fans should definitely go to concerts of Strachy Na Lachy (16.06), Coma and Hurt (25.06). For rap fans, the day with Polish artists of the genre (20.06) is a must-see.

After visiting the Fan Zone (Strefa Kibica), it can be pleasant to go sightseeing around the city. The proposed route passes through National Museum on Aleje Marcinkowskiego, where utterly priceless works of most acclaimed Polish and European artists may be seen. A special exhibition comprising works of art by Titian and other artists will be held in the National Museum. Then, the route follows Paderewskiego Street through the Old Market Square to the Old Warta river bed in Chwaliszewo, where Jarmark Świętojański will take place. Ostrów Tumski is only a few hundred meters away from there. It is where Centrum Turystyki Kulturowej Trakt (Culture and Tourism Center) has prepared an exhibition about a thousand years of Polish history and a presentation commemorating the most important figures and moments from Polish history (15.06, 11.00PM). Ostrów Tumski is not far from The New Zoo on Lake Malta, where tens of very rare species may be seen, for instance, lemurs, Siberian tigers or the magnificent African elephants.

When it comes to shopping, the best place to visit is Stary Browar, which apart from having been acknowledged as the best shopping center in the world in many competitions, is also one of the most exquisitely renovated buildings.
During the Euro, supporters will not only live and breathe football, but also music and art.

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