Nasza Loteria SR - pasek na kartach artykułów

Próbna matura 2013: język angielski (podstawa) tekst do zadania 3

Transkrypcja nagrania tekstu do zadania 3 w teście diagnostycznym z języka angielskiego (poziom podstawowy).

Today we’re talking with David Ford, a skateboarding fan from Derby in Britain.

Interviewer: In your opinion, how has skateboarding in the UK changed since you first started?
Ford: The main thing that’s different is the number of skate parks available to skaters these days. Skateboarding is now much more acceptable in society and seen more as a serious sport rather than something dangerous. With that, more skate parks, shops and videos are readily available. Also the Internet has helped to change skateboarding and raise the people’s awareness of its rules. We can see great skaters daily through online video, which helps skateboarding grow faster than ever before.

Interviewer: _How often do you skateboard?
I would skate every day if I could. And when I’m not skating, I’m often doing something skate related, or thinking about it. But in reality I skate two or three times a week. I try to get two evenings after work and at least one entire day at the weekend.

Interviewer: When you are not skateboarding what do you do?
Ford: I studied graphic design at university and loved it. I’m a designer now. It’s what I have always wanted to do. It’s great because I design all the skate stuff, from skateboards to T-shirts. You can later find these things in the local skate shop to which I sell my projects. So, I tie together my two favourite activities.

Interviewer: Please share with us some history of 'Hooked’ organization. How did it start?
_Ford: _Hooked started in 2005 as a small club sponsored by the city council. Now we organize skateboarding contests for professionals, teach skateboarding and manage a team of sponsored skaters. But at the beginning we were only asked to organize some skating events for the people of Derby. We were all into skateboarding, so after a year and a half we became a serious skate organization.

Interviewer: _Could you tell us a little bit about the Derby Skate Project?
The city council had problems with people skating in the city centre and damaging council properties. Their idea was a new skate park, something different and regionally significant. Me and my friends readily got into it. The skate park has just opened at the beginning of June and more and more people are enjoying it a lot.
Interviewer: Dave, thank you very much for your time.

adapted from skaty9. com

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