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Próbna matura 2013: język angielski (rozszerzenie) tekst do zadania 9

Tekst do zadania 9 w teście diagnostycznym z języka angielskiego (poziom rozszerzony)


Software that 'works like a human brain’ to instantly translate spoken language is being developed by Microsoft. The program keeps the intonation and rhythm of the speaker 9.1. .............. the overall effect can be broadly similar to the original. The software was first demonstrated online two years ago. The company gave more details of the project in a post on their blog after the presentation 9.2. ............... a lot of unexpected attention.
Instant translation has been historically difficult because of the struggle to capture the range of human vocal ability, the difference between people’s voices and the time 9.3. ................. to analyze grammar differences.
Previously the company experimented with newly designed models which proved better at capturing the human vocal range. The translation was still erroneous in as many as one in four words, but the company persisted, and after a 9.4. ................. of work with scientists they devised an algorithm which they called Deep Neural Networks.
The algorithm was patterned after human brain behaviour and resulted in a greatly improved success rate. Last October, Microsoft showcased the results, 9.5. ................. down the error rate to just one in seven words. The company wrote "The results are not perfect yet. There is still much work to be done, but the technology is promising. 9.6. ................, by 2020 we will have invented systems that can completely remove language barriers." They added: "We may not have to wait until the 22nd century for a usable equivalent of Star Trek’s universal translator."

adapted from The Telegraph

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