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Poznań: Nice people and good beer!

Anna Jarmuż, translated by: Kordian Zieliński
Pete McCarthy
Pete McCarthy Anna Jarmuż
Anna Jarmuż talks to Pete McCarthy, an Irishman studying in Poznań

What can you tell me about Poznań?

I came here to study as part of the Erasmus program. After several months I am beginning to notice that this city is quite picturesque. There are many old, beautiful buildings. I personally like the Old Market and antique churches. The problem is the transport. I think that trams and buses should run in a more efficient way. That's why I usually move around by taxi. One advantage of this place is its friendly atmosphere. The people of Poznan are really hospitable.

What do you think will interest Irish fans more - sightseeing or having fun in pubs?
I guess they'll choose to hang out in pubs. Especially as the beer is really good here. Fans will definitely visit Irish pubs, but they will most certainly try Polish alcohol, too.

Had you heard about Poznań before it was revealed that the matches of the Irish national team would take place here?

Of course! I’d heard many things, for example about Lech Poznań. I think it's a very good team which has been very successful on the international stage.

interview by Anna Jarmuż

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